Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Essential Oils for Cats and Dogs🐾

Most people don't realize that pure essential oils can provide all-natural solutions for animals as well as humans! Your furry little babies that are part of your family can benefit from the benefits of essential oils too!

Did you know?

*Medication commonly used to treat painful arthritis in cats and dogs often causes serious damage to the stomach, liver, and kidneys.
*Common anti-flea solutions for dogs can cause adverse reactions such as skin irritation, hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizure.
*Most over -the- counter treatments contain chemicals and toxins that can cause more harm than good.


*For joint pain relief, rub Frankincense and dōTERRA Deep Blue soothing blend essential oils directly on joints.
*Avoid using Melaleuca on cats.
*Animals are smaller, so diluting essential oils is important.
*To help calm and relax a stressed pet, apply 2-3 drops of Lavender essential oil to ears and paws.
*Animals prefer certain aromas just as humans do - you can experiment with various oils to see how your pet responds to the aroma and the benefit of the oil.
*Just like humans, do not place essential oil directly in ears, eyes, or nose.


Flea Collar Repellant

1/2 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
4 garlic oil capsules
1 drop Cedarwood essential oil
1 drop Lavender essential oil
1 drop Lemon essential oil
1 drop Thyme essential oil
Mix ingredients in a medium bowl. Soak a pet collar in the mixture for 25-30 minutes. Lay out to dry; place on animal's neck. Repeat once or twice per month.

No-Odor Kitty Litter

25 drops of dōTERRA Purify cleansing blend essential oil
4 cups baking soda
Combine in a large bowl. Sprinkle 2 Tablespoons onto kitty litter when cleaning box daily.

Pet Shampoo

1 cup water
1 Tablespoon castile soap
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E
3 drops Peppermint essential oil
2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil
2 drops dōTERRA Purify cleansing blend essential oil
1 drop Cedarwood essential oil
Place all ingredients in a glass jar and mix well. Apply a quarter-size about to pet and scrub. Use more on a large pet, if needed. Shampoo will be a bit watery, but your pet will be clean and smell great for days!

Bad Breath Biscuits

2 cups flour
1/2 cup oats
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
2 bananas
3 eggs
2 Tablespoons peanut butter
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
3-6 drops Peppermint essential oil (depending on size of dog)
1 drop Cinnamon essential oil
Mix dry ingredients together in a small mixing bowl. In another bowl mix bananas, eggs, peanut butter, and coconut oil. Mix thoroughly. Add essential oils and mix. Mix dry ingredients into banana mixture and stir until combined.
Using a spoon, scoop large balls onto a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes to make about 1 dozen biscuits.

Enjoy your furry companion!

Visit  www.facebook.com/yourvibrantessence to follow me on Face Book!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back to School with Essential Oils!

Children are wonderfully responsive to the use of essential oils, love to learn about them and what they do. They are curious beings and love to help mom make their own special blends!

Use of the oils at bedtime with a diffuser or smelling oils from the bottle while at school can bring both peace and calming, also mental focus and concentration support. Oils supply a vast variety of emotional support!! The uses and benefits are endless! 

Happy Kid= Happy Mom and Teacher!

Safety First:)👍

Caution must be taken when researching solutions online. Most information available about aromatherapy reflects the assumption that the product used will contain synthetic ingredients. In the case of these altered products, warnings should be taken seriously. But when pure, unaltered, genuine essential oils are selected and used, a parent can treat their family with confidence!! I have access to these genuine essential oils and want to share them with you!!

The use of oils with children is most effective when oils are combined with a carrier oil and are massaged on back, abdomen or feet (NEAT-undiluted-application on feet with 1-2 drops depending on body weight is acceptable in older children; for infants and toddlers, dilute oils with a carrier oil prior to application in most cases.)

Avoid placing essential oils in the eyes, ears and nose. You can place essential oil on a cotton ball and place in the ear.

These oils are considered "hot or warm" oils and are suggested to be used with a carrier oil when applying: birch, cassia, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, ginger, lemongrass, oregano, peppermint, protective blend, thyme, and wintergreen


Good Morning Routine:
Wild Orange or Grounding Blend essential oil. Diffuse or put 1-2 drops on back of neck, wrists, or feet.
Focus Blend:
In a 5ml glass roller  bottle, mix 20 drops Wild Orange and Peppermint and fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil.
DIY Hand Sanitizer:
In a 4oz glass or high quality plastic spray bottle, mix 1 Tablespoon Aloe Vera gel and 20 drops of protection blend and fill the rest with water.
Boost Immunity/Healthy Brain & Body:
Protection blend!!!!!!!! Ward off those germs that are easily spread in the classroom!
Quality, whole-food vitamin and mineral supplement. 100% pure fish oil supplement with healthy balance of Omega 3 fatty acids. Contact me for details on these supplements and their nutritional facts that I suggest. No, sorry to break the news to you, but over- the- counter chewables aren't going to cut it! Many containing fillers, synthetics and dyes that are doing more harm than good!
Peaceful Child Blend: 
Great for hyperactivity, emotional imbalance, anxious feelings, behavior or cognitive struggles.
85 drops Vetiver
30 drops Ylang Ylang
30 drops Lavender
20 drops Lavender
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Clary Sage
10 drops Marjoram
Place drops in a 10ml glass roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil. Apply as needed to wrists, back of neck, along the spine or desired area on skin.
Grouchy Pants Blend:
3 drops grounding blend and 3 drops lavender and apply to the base of neck and on wrists, inhale deeply.
Seasonal/Enviromental Threats:
Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint: 25 drops of each in a 10ml glass roller bottle. Fill to top with fractionated coconut oil. Roll on bottom of feet 2-3 times per day.
Occasional Ear Discomfort:
Basil and Lavender- 1 drop of each on the bone behind the ear, several times per day. Or place Melaleuca on a cotton ball and place in ear, never place oil directly into the ear.
Sweet Dreams Blend:
In a glass 5ml roller bottle, add 20 drops of Lavender, 7 drops of Vetiver and fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil. Apply topically before bedtime.
Other great options for sleep:
Pick one or two to diffuse or apply to feet before bedtime: Lavender, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Cedarwood, Sandlewood.
*Disclaimer: I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. I do offer alternative solutions!

Have a Wonderful School Year!📚

Visit www.facebook.com/yourvibrantessence to follow me on Face Book!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Essential Oils and Babies❣️

Yes! Essential Oils can be used on your baby! If you use the proper essential oils, follow guidelines and dilution ratios, your baby too can benefit from the powerful benefits of essential oils! Even if you don't have a little one in your home anymore, share this with someone that does!! I wish I would have had this information when my girls were little!!

Did you know? :

*Talc is found in most baby powders and is a known lung irritant.
*Many baby products are made with synthetic fragrances that can cause respiratory, neurological, skin, and eye damage.
*You can make natural, gentle, and safe products for your baby for the fraction of the cost of over the counter remedies!


Cradle Cap Moisturizer
1 teaspoon coconut oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
Mix together in palms and rub on baby's scalp. Add cocoa butter if additional softening is needed.

Calming Colic Blend
3 drops digestion blend essential oil
2 drops ginger essential oil
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Mix together and massage ointment over baby's tummy and lower back. Repeat 3-5 times daily.

Diaper Rash Relief
1/2 cup fractionated coconut oil
15 drops melaleuca essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
15 drops frankincense essential oil
In a small glass spray bottle mix oils together. Spray a thin layer directly onto the rash area and reapply as needed.

Baby Stain Remover
8 ounces water
2 Tablespoons borax
20 drops lemon essential oil
Add borax and oils to spray bottle (preferably glass).  Add water and shake thoroughly, spray directly on the stain and wash.

Winter Cheeks/Skin Balm
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons beeswax
20 drops lavender essential oil
In a small mason jar mix the first 3 ingredients together, and lower the jar into a warm saucepan partially filled with water. On low heat melt beeswax, coconut oil an olive oil together, stirring every few minutes. After wax is completely melted remove from heat and add lavender. Mix together and cool until hardened. Rub balm over reddened cheeks to ease and protect.


*To clean baby's toys, combine 2 drops lemon with 4 ounces of white vinegar in a glass spray bottle. Fill remaining with water and spray.
*To ease colic, apply 1-2 drops of digestion blend on baby's feet.
*To calm a crying or overtired baby, put 1 drop lavender or calming blend under baby's nose and forehead.
*Scent children's drawers with their favorite essential oils applied to cotton balls.
*To signal safety, comfort, or time for sleep, place 2 drops of lavender, calming, or grounding blend near breast or nearby during feedings.
*For a soothing bath, add 2-4 drops of roman chamomile, calming blend or lavender to bath.
*To soothe sore gums, mix 1-2 drops clove, protection blend or white fir with fractionated coconut oil and massage into baby's gums.
*Love, love, love your baby! Because they won't be little for long!

Visit www.facebook.com/yourvibrantessence to follow me on Face Book!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The 3 Easy Ways to Use Essential Oils!

There are 3 easy ways you can use Essential Oils.  Aromatic, Topical and Internal. It is really not as complicated as it may seem after you learn these 3 basics. I started my essential oil journey 3 years ago and still learning today! There are so many life changing benefits but I don't want it to be overwhelming for anyone. Just start! One day at a time, one oil at a time, one drop at a time:) I'm here to help!


The sense of smell is a tool that can elicit powerful physiologic, mental, and emotional responses. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by the smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behavior, and memory. For this reason, essential oils have an especially powerful effect via aromatic application. Some essential oils induce uplifting or invigorating effects, while others are more calming.

Diffusion is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. Diffusers that use cold air or water are ideal. However, using essential oils aromatically does not require any special diffusing devices. You can achieve the same health benefits by simply placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand that is then cupped around the nose as you breathe deeply.

Additional aromatic uses methods of using essential oils include:
Apply oil to a cotton ball and place in the air vents of your vehicle
Mix oils in a spray bottle with water and mist over furniture, carpet, or linens
Add oil to a batch of laundry or to dryer sheets
Use in household surface cleaners


Topical application is a very effective method for applying essential oils. Because essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid soluble, they easily penetrate the skin. Once absorbed, they stay in the applied area for a localized benefit. Although essential oils are readily absorbed, there are many ways to increase absorption. Using a light massage will increase the blood flow to the area of application, in turn improving distribution throughout the body. Use of a carrier oil can also increase absorption, especially in skin that is dry or flaky as it helps moisturize the skin and slow evaporation of the oil.

To decrease the likelihood of developing a skin sensitivity, especially on young or sensitive skin, it is advisable to use a carrier oil to dilute more potent oils and when trying an oil for the first time. The recommend dilution ratio is typically one drop of essential oil to three drops of carrier oil.
It’s always advisable to use several small doses throughout the day rather than a single large dose. Start with the lowest possible dose (1–2 drops). A topical dose can be repeated every 4–6 hours as needed. Because every individual is unique, the dose will vary for each individual based on size, age, and overall health status.

Beneficial Areas You Can Apply Essential Oils:
Forehead and temples
Arms, my favorite place is on the wrists
Bottom of feet or Simply place "where it hurts".

Other Ideas of Topical Application:
Add a few drops of oil to epsom salts them sprinkle in a warm bath
Make a hot or cold compress by soaking a towel or cloth in water, adding essential oils, and then applying to the desired area
Add oil to a lotion or moisturizer and then apply to skin
Sensitive Areas to be Avoided: Some facial areas, such as the skin around the eyes,
directly in nose, eyes or inner ears.


Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions. When you sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal, sip a mug of peppermint tea, or add fresh basil leaves to your spaghetti, you are actually consuming some volatile aromatic essential oil compounds. Essential oil contributes many health benefits as well as flavoring and aroma properties to foods. When in their concentrated form, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements for more targeted and potent health benefits.

Internal use is a very safe and effective method of application because of the sophisticated physiologic processes of our bodies. When ingested, essential oils directly enter the blood stream via the gastrointestinal tract, where they are transported throughout the rest of the body. Essential oils are lipid soluble so they are readily transported to all organs of the body, including the brain. Then, like all things we consume, essential oils are metabolized by the liver and other organs and are then excreted.

The composition of essential oils is highly complex. Each constituent possesses a unique set of biochemical properties that react with cells and organs in different ways. Although these mechanisms of action are not completely understood, the positive end results have been demonstrated. However, the body is only equipped to handle appropriate doses of essential oils. Proper dosing according to labeling recommendations and other professional guidelines should be strictly followed to avoid toxicity.
Be sure your essential oil bottle has a Supplement Fact box/table on the side of the bottle before using for internal use. If your bottle does not contain this label- do not use it for internal use.

Ideas of Internal Application:
Use oils in recipes for cooking or baking to replace fresh or dried herbs and spices. Remember that essential oils are 50-70% more potent than dried or fresh herbs and spices, so start with a very small amount. For more potent oils, it may be better to administer them by toothpicks (dip the end of a clean toothpick into the oil and then add to the food) rather than drops.
Add essential oils to water, smoothies, milk, tea, or other drinks.
Take essential oils internally in a veggie capsule or add to a small amount of applesauce or yogurt.

Visit  www.facebook.com/yourvibrantessence to follow me on Face Book!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils. Oh What this trio can do for you!!

It will soon be time for the weather to be changing :(  Usually with changes of the seasons, comes symptoms of seasonal discomfort.  If you suffer from seasonal discomfort, you are one of many.

Runny nose, sinus congestion, watery eyes, sneezing, trouble breathing through your nose, sore throat and cough due to drainage are many of the symptoms people experience during the change of the seasons.

I have found a trio of essential oils that, when taken together once or twice per day, combat or completely wipe out these symptoms naturally and safe.*

No side effects, dependency and contains no chemicals.
Drop 2 drops of each Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint into an 8oz glass of water (not plastic) and drink down, or you may also put the drops in a vegetable capsule and swallow. Only certified pure essential oils should be used internally!

Besides taking as a trio for seasonal discomfort, these three essential oils also alleviate a variety of other issues and improve your overall quality of life.

Lemon Essential Oil

Gargle with 1-2 drops and water in the am if you wake with an irritated throat.
Add to water and drink throughout the day to help with natural and safe detox.
Add 10-15 drops to an 8oz glass spray bottle filled with water to use for a natural cleaning agent in the kitchen or bathrooms.
Use 1-2 drops to remove oil, gum, grease, spots or glue.
Add to olive oil for a non-toxic furniture polish.
Diffuse to fill your house with an uplifting, energizing aroma and to neutralize odors.

Lavender Essential Oil

Provides natural calming and easing of tension.
Supports healthy and natural sleep, apply under nose or bottom of feet before sleeping.
To calm and soothe occasional skin irritations and sensitive skin.
Add 1-2 drops to your mascara bottle to condition your lashes and extends the use of the product.
Mix with epsom salts before adding to warm bath for relaxing experience.
Use with peppermint along with your shampoo for an invigorating scalp massage!

Peppermint Essential Oil

Relieves occasional stomach upset or indigestion.
Place behind ears for head discomfort.
Add to water for a refreshing drink.
Diffuse for increased focus and "pick me up". Also for easy breathing and to open up airways.
Use with lemon for a mouth rinse.
Helps relieve symptoms of motion sickness when traveling.
These are just a few of the many ways you can use these three essential oils. The benefits and uses are endless!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Visit  www.facebook.com/yourvibrantessence to follow me on Face Book.

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April