Monday, May 30, 2016

Frozen Yogurt Bites with Essential Oils

Snack time can be an important part of the day whether you are a kid or not. It’s a time of replenishing energy and can also be a fun way to take a break. These frozen yogurt bites make a refreshing snack—not only because they are yummy, colorful, cold, and bite-sized, but also because they are healthy! Kids will love them, and you may be tempted to eat a number of them yourself! This snack has been both kid-approved and adult-approved.


•1/2 cup (about 75 g) fruit or berries of choice
•1/2 cup (123 g) plain greek yogurt
•1 drop doterra citrus essential oil (lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit, etc.)
•1/4 cup (60 ml) orange juice
•1 envelope unflavored gelatin (about 1 Tbsp. or 9 g)


1. Prepare a cookie sheet by placing parchment paper on the sheet (if the paper tends to roll, add small weights to the corners).
2. Place fruit in a food processor, and blend to desired consistency.
3. Mix fruit, yogurt, and essential oil together in a small bowl.
4. Place orange juice in a saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over the liquid. Let sit for a minute. Place saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly for about 3 minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Immediately whisk the orange juice into the fruit and yogurt mix.
5. Pour the yogurt mix into a plastic bag. Cut a small piece off a corner of the bag, and pipe the yogurt onto the prepared cookie sheet in bite-sized increments.
6. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for a couple hours. Once frozen, quickly peel the yogurt bites off the cookie sheet and place them in a plastic freezer bag. Keep the yogurt bites frozen until you are ready to serve them, as they will start to melt after about 10 minutes.
Note: The orange juice–gelatin mixture is optional, but adding the gelatin helps the yogurt bites keep their shape longer. If you are giving these to younger children, adding this small amount of gelatin is especially helpful because younger children take longer to eat the yogurt bites before they thaw.

Check out my Face Book page for daily essential oil ideas, tips, diffuser blends and more!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Must-Have Essential Oils For Traveling!

It still amazes me that 3 years ago I didn’t use essential oils, and now, I’m not sure I could go a day without them. Especially when I travel, my essential oils are my foundation of wellness and happiness– just a few bottles cover so many things! Here’s some tricks to traveling with oils, plus my inside scoop on which ones you should never leave home without whether you’re camping down the street or flying miles away!

1. Invest in a carrying case! They aren’t very expensive and make great gifts too. I carry on all my oils when flying, so it tucks right into my carry-on or purse. I also have a keychain pouch that’s perfect for using and sharing the oils on-the-go, and it has saved me more than once.
2. Yes, they can go through the x-ray at the airport. I simply send them through the scanner in my little keychain pouch and they’re just fine. Or I open up my keychain pouch so they are visible and place them in a clear ziplock bag next to my toiletries. Rules are always changing, so double check before you take my word for it:)
3. Road trips and oils go hand in hand. Ever get sleepy on the road? Peppermint and wild orange is my go-to road trip oil! I put a drop in my hands or in my car diffuser and I’m back on track.
4. To diffuse or not to diffuse? If I’m taking a road trip (particularly an extended one) I’ll usually pack my home diffuser because it works so well. However, that’s not very practical for flying or when space is tight. They do have waterless portable or travel diffusers but when I’m packing light I may skip it and use my hands to inhale the oils.
5. Don’t be caught without a carrier oil. Some oils need to be diluted before using (like immune blend, cinnamon, oregano, cassia) so I filled an empty oil bottle from an oil. You can also use olive oil, sweet almond oil, or other carrier but you’ll definitely want a little bit on hand, even if it’s in a tiny sized sample bottle. Fractionated coconut oil is my favorite because it's not greasy, non-staining and has a multitude of other uses!

My Must-Have Essential Oils for Traveling

So now you know the how, here’s the what! These are the oils I never want to leave home without, and how I use them while on the road:
Repellant blend oil– If we’re staying in a hotel, I spray this around the base of the beds. When we’re outside, it’s our outdoor spray. Ditch the chemical sprays and go with all natural repellent blend!
Immune blend oil- If I could only take one oil, it would be this one! I take it diluted with a carrier oil and that has a roller ball on top. I use that on the bottom of our feet each morning and night to support your natural immunity.
Purification blend oil- Improve the hotel, bathroom or car smell by taking out the odors and germs in the air!
Peppermint oil- I mix with ginger to avoid motion sickness. I mix with wild orange to improve mood and focus. Great behind the ears if a little head tension is coming on!
Cedarwood oil- I put a few drops on my feet, cover them with socks, and zzzzz….
Lavender oil- Calming and soothing. Perfect for airplane takeoffs, landings, turbulence, and pretty much any point while flying if you’re at all like me! Also use if the kids are having a hard time relaxing before bed! It's great for your skin so use on those little cuts, scraps and bites that can occur out and about too! Mix with peppermint and carrier oil for an after-sun spray!
Grounding blend oil- I use it when I’m feeling anxious about taking off in the airplane or trying some new adventure on our trip. It also is great to ease the tension of sibling rivalry. Keeps the mood balanced:)
Muscle Soothing Blend rub- This blend is formulated for using after activity or when you overdo things a bit. Great for those tired feet after a long day of walking!
Digestion blend oil- Use on your tummy if you’ve ingested too much of that fast food and on the go gas station snacks! Or if you’ve had too much to eat at the buffet!
Lemon essential oil in my water. It’s incredibly refreshing and helps my body flush out the toxins gently and keeps me hydrated! Also great for getting sticky residue off things:) Drink it from a glass or stainless steel cup when possible.
Immune Waterless Hand Sanitizer- I LOVE THIS STUFF. It’s soft on my hands and smells terrific! I feel good using this on my kids because it’s not drying on their skin and non toxic! I have a recipe that I shared on my Facebook page Your Vibrant Essence! Come check it out along with several other tips, recipes and great essential oil ideas!
I don't buy my essential oils from the store, I buy them from a trusted company that is certified for their highest quality and purity on the market!

Click Here for access to your Free "Essential Oils for Beginners" eBook!!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Essential Oils Make Cleaning Easy and Save You Money!

The great thing about using essential oils for cleaning is they can be combined with other items you may already have around the house, such as vinegar, baking soda, etc.
Many essential oils are great for cleaning your every day household items. They are all natural and can be a great choice over store bought cleaners. And they are pennies to make!

Essential Oils Recommended for Cleaning:
1. Scrubbing/Disinfecting Oils: Lemon, melaleuca (tea tree oil), lime, cinnamon, thyme, bergamot, wild orange and peppermint. Also blends called On Guard and Purify.
2. Deodorizing/Freshening Oils: Lemon, peppermint, clary sage, melaleuca, lavender, geranium, basil, and eucalyptus. Also Purify blend.

Kitchen Cleaning Tips:
1. All Purpose Spray: To make a cleaning spray, mix 5-8 drops of a scrubbing oil, listed above, and blend with 1oz. of water in a spray bottle. Shake, spray on counters, cutting boards, refrigerator, garbage, microwave, and other surfaces.
2. Counter Cleaning: Add 1-2 drops of lemon, On Guard blend, or another scrubbing oil, listed above, to a damp rag, and wipe down counters, tables and stoves.
3. Dishes: Add a few drops of lemon to dishwater for sparkling dishes. You can also add lemon to your dishwasher as well.
4. Trash Can Deodorizer: Add 3-5 drops of a deodorizing essential oil, listed above, to 1 TB of baking soda and mix well. Sprinkle into the bottle of the trash can!

Bathroom Cleaning Tips:
1. Diffuse On Guard blend or Purify blend into the air to help clean the air. No work involved!
2. Mirror Cleaner: Place 1-2 drops of a scrubbing oil, listed above, with 1 tsp. of white vinegar in a 1 oz. bottle with water. Shake well, and spray on mirrors. Use a dry rag, or even newspapers, to wipe off.
3. Shower Spray: Mix 5 drops of lemon and 5 drops of white fir with 2 oz. water in a small spray bottle. Spray on bathtub or shower.
4. Deodorizing Spray: Place 5-8 droops of a deodorizing essential oil, listed above, in a 1oz. spray bottle, and fill the remainder of the bottle with water.
Shake well, and spray into the air.
3. Drying: Put Purify blend, lemongrass or another favorite oil or blend on a wet rag or dryer balls and toss it in the dryer!

Furniture Tips:
1. Polish: put a few drops of Lemon, Purify blend, or white fir along with fractionated coconut oil on a dust cloth and wipe down wood for a simple furniture polish.

Floors and Carpet:
1. Multi-Purpose Floor Cleaner: Place 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 TB of dish soap or castile soap, 15 drops of a scrubbing essential oil, listed above, into a bucket of water. Mix and use to clean tile, hardwood, linoleum, ceramic, laminate and vinyl. Or you can use On Guard blend cleaning concentrate – super easy!
2. Carpet Cleaner/Deodorizer: Mix 1 cup of baking soda and 20-50 drops of melaleuca, lemon, Purify blend or another favorite oil in a glass jar. Close and shake the jar and let it stand overnight. Sprinkle lightly over carpets, let sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum.

Laundry Tips:
1. Washing: Many people make their own, I honestly haven't dug into that.
Two solutions I use, On Guard Blend Laundry Detergent or you can add a few drops of On Guard blend or Purify blend into the wash water.
2. Gum/Grease: Use lemon or to help get gum or grease off clothes.

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

If you are ready to take control of your health, join me! Click the link below and start today! You deserve it!
Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Essential Oils for hyperactivity or lack of focus.

Are you or your children struggling to focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand?

School, work, home life – we know, they all require attention. Whether it’s hyperactivity, focus or that occasional brain fatigue, organic remedies like essential oils can work natural wonders.
There are various forms of inattention. Some of these forms are diagnosed from doctors, including those such as ADD, ADHD, or Autism. Anxiousness can also be a stimulant for poor memory, lack of energy, and inattentive behavior. I won’t dig into these specific diagnoses, but more broadly address how you can treat lack of concentration and mental focus through aromatherapy (Disclosure: I am not a doctor, so I can’t diagnose or prescribe any treatments).
In some cases, individuals are paying attention to too many things at once, resulting in overstimulation. Other individuals have bursts of energy that make it difficult to stay in a single place, doing a single thing. This can be difficult for both adults in the workforce and children in the classroom.
There are prescription medications to treat these “disorders.” However, there are also natural applications that can re-focus the mind without exposing yourself to harmful toxins.

Essential oils for hyperactivity or lack of focus.
First, some of the common single oils used:
Lavender: Offers relaxing benefits to calm the mind, improve mood, and provide general feeling of well-being.
Ylang Ylang: Calms your emotions and helps reduce the effects of daily stress.
Wild Orange and Peppermint: Helps soothe your central nervous system while adding uplifting positive emotions.
Patchouli: Acts similar to Ylang Ylang. Provides a grounding, balancing effect on emotions.
Vetiver: Has a grounding effect and helps to “slow” the brain.
Each of these oils provide their own benefits that can increase focus, motivation and drive through natural methods. In one study, Dr. Friedmann found that the application of essential oils (including through inhalation) settled childrens brain patterns while improving general behavior and performance in education.

Diet – Yes, it matters
Before I tell you about the focus blend, here are few things that may be contributing factors.
Limit sugar foods and drinks, as high sugar intake can stimulate symptoms of hyperactivity.
Add more fruits, vegetables, and protein foods to your diet.
Build a structured nutritional diet that allows your body to operate as it is supposed to. Proper fatty acids and omegas are vital to brain health. A healthy, routine diet is another natural way to ward of symptoms of inattention.

Introducing the Focus Blend
Single oils are a great way to combat hyperactivity and other inattentive symptoms. But if you want to maximize your results, you might consider an essential oil blend. Blends often comprise a number of oils combined in a single container that are formulated to address specific issues.
The blend we carry is a proprietary focus and concentration blend designed specifically for inattention.
Contains: Amyris, Patchouli, Frankincense, Lime, Ylang Ylang, Hawaiian Sandalwood and Roman Chamomile.

The Focus Blend enhances concentration while supporting healthy thought processes. It is effective for both adults and children dealing with attention problems, while delivering abilities to sustain focus through short and long term benefits.
No matter what the age, keeping focused on the task at hand can be a challenge. This is particularly critical during the early years of learning. It’s also important in those early years of developing structure, habits, and general foundations for living. This is where products like focus blend can help. Through a pleasing aroma of oils, aromatherapy is a solution that is easy and delightful for both adults and children.
Essential oils can be applied topically, directly to the skin (if you have skin sensitivity, you can dilute the solution with coconut oil). How to use it:
Apply to your temples and back of neck for enhanced concentration.
Apply to wrists and inhale deeply to encourage clarity and focus.
Run through a diffuser in the classroom (calling all teachers ;-)) or in your office throughout the day. This is great for keeping on task during those mid-afternoon day dreaming.

Keep in mind, it’s important to understand the quality of the product you are applying, in terms of both effectiveness and general health. Cheaper oils can cause skin irritation and other adverse reactions, while not offering the potent benefits of pure grade products.

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

If you are ready to take control of your health, join me! Click the link below and start today! You deserve it!
Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Make her Mother's Day Special with this DIY Whipped Foot Lotion!

Are your mom's feet resembling sand paper at all?

No worries, we have it covered!  This amazing Whipped Foot Lotion is just what her dry feet needs. It is a light and very moisturizing lotion that she can really use anywhere on her body. For the best results, add a generous amount to feet with socks before sleep. She will love the results and she will love you for making it for her!

What You Need:

1 teaspoon beeswax
2 tablespoons cocoa butter
4 tablespoons shea butter
1 tablespoon  virgin coconut oil
2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
5 drops certified pure Peppermint essential oil
5 drops certified pure Melaleuca essential oil


1.In a small glass container, combine all ingredients except essential oils. Place in saucepan with 1-1.5 inches of boiling water.
2. Stir ingredients until combined (around 5-10 minutes).
Note: Use a popsicle stick for easy cleanup.
3. Once melted, remove from heat and let rest for 3 minutes.
4. Add essential oils and stir.
5.Let mixture come to a solid. To quicken the process, place in refrigerator.
6. Once solid, use an electric mixer to whip the lotion. Gradually come to high speed and whip for 3-4 minutes or until light and fluffy.
7. Place into container. To use, rub on heels to help soften and soothe them. For the best results, add a generous amount to feet with socks before you go to sleep.

Can you say Ahhh?!

If you are like me,  you love home made gifts! Treat mom with this natural, non- toxic lotion with no synthetics! It smells amazing!

Whether you are a new to oils, already love oils and want to purchase from the #1 company in the industry, or want to build your own Essential Oils business, I’m here to meet you where you are at. I would love to hear in the comments where you are in your oil journey! We can experience this journey together and I’ll be there every step of the way!

If you are ready to take control of your health, join me! Click the link below and start today! You deserve it!
Nurse Mom turned Oil Mom- April